Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day at the farm

We did this shoot last week in Queen Creek and had a lot of fun doing it. Towards the end we played with the horse and he seemed to have made a connection with me because he would not stop watching me and made all sorts of faces at me. It was a blast modeling the new lemonsandlace pink flower headband!
One more thing, can you believe that I did not curl my hair for this shoot? It is actually that way because I took it out of the updo! Never curling my hairs again! Tutorial coming soon, it is the easiest undo to do when you're in a hurry I did it on the way to the shoot even ask my husband he was witness lol
The white flower headband I actually made. It was an easy small project I did not too long ago. I've seen some at Claire's but when you're in a budget, WalMart .50 c flowers might be the way to go :)

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